E-learning tools for Food technology and development education

Our consortium offers a new approach for digitized training in food technology.

Our Aims and Concept

The aim of the project is to develop educational standards and materials for digital learning in the field of food technology. The project will achieve results in the following priority areas of the Erasmus+ program:
• Development of digital educational content in the field of food technologies;
• Establish a system of digital educational standards for food technology training;
• Establishing a sustainable partnership between universities with a training profile in the field of food and food technology;
• Development of a project for joint program between partner universities for training students in food technologies.


What Approach We Offer

We offer a multidisciplinary approach. It includes the creation of a team of specialists in the field of food technology, nutrition and digital learning, the development of unified and standardized digital content in the field of food technology, the development of short-term training courses.



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Е-rapid TOOLS

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